CLARINETS DIRECT 020 858 11113 or 07787 770071 |
Rare instruments for hire: 1. Matched Pair of EJ Albert clarinets. [Please double click title to view a photo gallery.] Bb S/N 8345 & A S/N 3528. Both instruments are Boehm system but with 7 rings, an additional R.H. trill key link to the throat A Key, an additional low G vent, i.e. like a modern Selmer Paris Bass clarinet and a roller on the L. H. Ab/Eb key. Superb condition with excellent evenness and intonation at A = 440. 2. Matched Pair of Albert Basset Clarinets. [Please double click in order to view photo gallery.] Originally made by Jacques Albert Fils, and modified by Ted Planas for Stephen Trier. Excellent condition and intonation at A= 440. The supplied mouthpiece is a Pillinger F1 bore [copy of 1930 Louis interior] with a DOV124 facing. The pair feature 7 rings with fork Eb/Bb, articulated C#/G# key and additional L.H. Ab/Eb lever. The three lower pitches are played by R.H thumb buttons on the rear and there is a floor spike as well as a sling hook. 3. Baroque C Clarinet by Ackerman after Jakob Denner [Please double click in order to view photo gallery.] This is a unique clarinet. It is a faithful reproduction of a Baroque C clarinet,
probably made by Jakob Denner, son of Johann
Christoph Denner, in the early part of the 18th Century.
Denner is credited with developing the clarinet from the chalumeau
by widening the bore, providing a bell, and enabling the instrument to overblow:
All features of this clarinet. PRICES; 1. Albert pair, starting from £75 per week with longer periods attracting discounts of 10-25%. A security deposit of at least £500 required. 2. Albert Basset Clarinets. Single instrument from £80 per week with negotiable discounts of 10-25%. A security deposit of at least £1000. 3. J Denner Baroque C Clarinet, starting from £50 per week with longer periods attracting discounts of 10-25%. A security deposit of at least £500 required.