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A rare, very good condition Leblanc Legacy, by Backun, B flat clarinet. This instrument is a commission sale for Clarinets Direct, having come to us via a UK professional, now retired, who bought it new 8 years ago. Backun purchased the Leblanc brand after the company ceased trading in 2009, and this model was designed by Morrie Backun, and sold with the Leblanc logo. It was made in the USA.
This clarinet is made entirely from Grenadilla wood, with all pieces original, matching, and stamped. The barrels and bell are stamped "Backun Canada". All the key work, which is Silver plate, is in excellent condition. There are several key work design features, including five adjusting screws to keep touch corks in good regulation. There is a RH touchpiece for C sharp/G sharp, as would be found in Simple System clarinets. The instrument features a polycylindrical bore of R13 type dimensions. The wood throughout is in good condition, with no cracks or repairs. The clarinet has used white leather pads, and all are sealing well, and will be good for some time to come. The matching serial numbers are P1236. The case is an original leblanc double, with an excellent quality cover. The mouthpiece is a new Vandoren 5RV, which tunes the clarinet very well. This instrument represents a massive saving on the cost of new Backun models, and could well suit a player on a budget looking for a Backun designed clarinet.