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A pristine condition pair of Yamaha CSG CUSTOM II clarinets, which are a commission sale for Clarinets Direct. These instruments are part of a number of clarinets that Joe Pacewicz is selling off as he leaves the RSNO. Joe is fastidious in his choice, and care, of his clarinets. These instruments are late CSG II Customs with the Hamilton plating and raised tone hole for LH3, which were features of the later CSG III. Yamaha made great claims for the CSG range; a new bore design is supposed to provide great tonal richness, as found in older instruments made from properly aged Grenadilla. Certainly the design has found much favour with many fine players, including Michael Collins, Nicholas Carpenter and Nicholas Cox.
The Bb clarinet, matching serial nos. 03045 has wood which is finest unstained Grenadilla, without cracks, damage or blemish of any kind. The instrument has the original "reflector" Yamaha pads and some on the upper joint in cork. The A has matching serial nos. are 02391. Like the Bb the pads condition is excellent, with mostly the original Yamaha pads and a couple on the upper joint in cork. Two further, shorter, original barrels are included in the sale, which are not pictured. The Yamaha double case is also in excellent condition & comes with the keys. This pair represents superb value for money, with a refined tone and superb intonation.